The Water-Demon provides a series of electrically operated wash water recovery systems designed specifically for the Mobile Pressure Washer or Detailing Market. Available in several configurations to suit the individual needs of the mobile detailer, these systems have been designed to help eliminate EPA and local regulation hassles by providing the mobile pressure options regarding what to do with the wash water.
- Pick up the water for later discharge
- Pick up and filter the water for later discharge
- Pick up and filter the water for reuse
Several models are available depending on how the mobile detailer operates including:
- Model WD-I Simple Surface Pick-Up Device
- Model WD-II Surface Pick-Up, Dual Cartridge Filtration
- Model WD-III Surface Pick-Up, Dual Filtration, Storage Tank, Discharge Pump
- Model WD-IV Surface Pick-Up, Dual Filtration, Storage Tank, Discharge Pump, Pressure Washer
Design Features:
- Water Activated Surface Pick-Up Pump requires no Floats or other complicated starting devices
- Models WD-II through VI provided with Dual Cartridge Filters
- Models WD- III and WD-VI provided with Holding Tanks and Float Activated Discharge Pumps
- Model WD-IV provided with Pressure Washer