Ozonation Systems manufactured by Western Water Products are generally for use in our own Wash Water Recovery Systems as non-chemical method for reducing or eliminating odor problems with rancid or stagnant water. When used in a continuous flow process, they provide an effective and economical means of reducing odor without the use of costly hazardous chemicals. These Ozonation Systems can be adapted to other equipment not manufactured by Western Water Products as well.
Methods of Applying Ozonation Devices:
Use of Ozonation Devices listed below can be applied in several ways:
Direct Ozonated Air: Utilizes positive dry air supply, usually from an air compressor. Air is fed from the air compressor at the rate of 1-8 CFM (depends on Ononator size) at low pressure and brought into the bottom of the Ozonator. As air flows through, Oxygen is changed to Ozone gas. The ozone exits out of the top of the Ozone Tube Chamber and is connected by tubing and forced into a tank through an ozone diffusion device. Ozone bubbles from the diffuser to the surface to do its work. An air pressure regulator is required.
Injected Ozonated Air: A Mazzei Injector device is utilized in the systems water flow. As water continuously passes by the “T” in the injector, it draws in ozone created inside the Ozonator and entrains the ozone into the water stream through tubing connected to the “T” on the injector. Water with Ozone continues to a downstrem tank and form rising to the surface to do its work. An air pressure regulator is not required.
Re-pressurized Water with Injected Ozonated Air: Water us drawn out of a tank or pit by a pump and back to the same or another tank or pit using the same pump. In this process the system uses the “Injected Ozonated Air” principals described above. Ozone bubbles to the top to do its work. An air pressure regulator is not required. Re-pressurized Water with Injected Air systems are provided as a “stand-alone” system and are provided with: Painted Steel Housing, Pump, Ozonator, Control Panel, all Internal Plumbing and Wiring.